This instruction guide assumes that the Front Cover of your Playstation2 has been removed already. Now, you can follow this instruction guide step by step and play your backups in no time afterwards!
Step 1 - Start Swap Magic 1. Turn on the PlayStation2, and then insert Swap Magic Bootdisc CD or DVD version in accordance with what type of backup you are about to play. Please wait for the screen to show "Insert Disc".
Step 2 - Slide Tray Open 1. Insert the Slide-Tool UNDER the tray on the LEFT side. To make go in smooth, leave about 2cm gap on the far left. 2. Slide your Tool gently to the RIGHT keeping a firm grip. You will feel a little resistance, don't worry, keep sliding and the tray will come out a little automatically. 3. Now, it is ready to be pulled fully out. Pull it out all the way gently.
Step 3 - Swap Discs & Close 1. Remove the Swap Magic Boot Disc, and insert your backup disc. 2. Push the tray all the way back in. To make it slide easier, you can do this on the left side of the tray.
Step 4 - Slide Back 1. Now, it is time to make the final Slide!! Insert the Slide-Tool to the left same as Step 2.1. 2. Gently slide the Slide-Tool all the way to the RIGHT again. Please note - when the tray comes out a little automatically - release the pressure on the Slide-Tool and continue to Slide the Tool to the far right. (It moves around a little bump and grabs like a hook.) 3. Make sure the Slide-Tool is fully to the right and inserted properly. 4. Now, slide the Tool gently all the way to the LEFT - the tray will be closed completely. Then, you can take out the Slide-Tool. 5. Press X on joypad - and you are playing your backup.
The manufacturer of this instruction guide can not in anyway be held responsible for any damage caused by "Removal of the Front Cover" or "Use of Slide-Tool" to the user's console system. This method is not approved or endorsed by Sony.